S trap swivels 90° and allows water to exit through gravity.
S trap swivels 90° and allows water to exit through gravity.
eSe is a reinvention of the traditional toilet flushing system to reduce its water consumption as it accounts for 30% of domestic water usage at 7 liters per flush. It takes the common water trap used by toilets and tilts it so that gravity will push the water out when leaned 90° to its side.
This allows the toilet to flush with only 1.8 liters of water through purely mechanical components, reducing toilet water consumption by 75%.
Development involved initial interviews and surveys to understand how people approach reducing their domestic water consumption, their relationship and interactions with the toilet and awareness about its water usage.
Prototype assembly systems were developed to build a usable proof of concept through an adapted bidet basin that served as a base to validate different parameters associated with flushing.
Finally, a commercial concept was developed to integrate the flushing mechanism with a full body toilet
Water trap visualization containing 1.8 liters.
Water trap visualization containing 1.8 liters.
Swivel assembly.
Swivel assembly.
Prototype 3D printed swivel mechanism.
Prototype 3D printed swivel mechanism.
eSe presented at fair.
eSe presented at fair.
Live flush demonstration at fair.
Live flush demonstration at fair.